The SRS Endeavour system works in a similar way to endeavours in Star Trek Online. Rather than daily these are weekly. You can earn weekly endeavours for a small prize and level up your endeavour rank to earn larger prizes.
How it works
Every time you run an MRP during the week you will gain an endeavour point. At the start of the week which runs from Saturday to Saturday, the weekly endeavour will be posted alongside the MRP events for the week.
For example:
This week's endeavour target is to complete 10 MRP events. It will always be based on a number of MRP events, lower requirements reward lower value prizes, higher requirements yield higher value prizes, 10 would be an average prize like a DOFF pack, 20 would be a better prize like a good quality trait.
If you complete the weekly endeavour you will receive an Endeavour rank point.
As you complete each weekly endeavour your rank points will accumulate. When you reach specific milestones you will receive valuable prizes. These are initially set as the following:
Rank 10 - Master Key
Rank 20 - Master Key + 250 merits
Rank 30 - 2 x Master Keys + 500 merits
Rank 40 - High-value Starship trait > 40 million EC average
Rank 50 - 4 x Master Keys
Rank 60 - 4 x Master keys, 10 x DOFF packs
Rank 70 - 6 x Master keys, 20 very rare duty officers (various types)
Rank 80 - 6 x Master keys + 1000 Merits
Rank 90 - 4 x Infinity Promo Packs
Rank 100 - 10 Master Keys & 2 Infinity Promo Packs At this point in time it is not planned to increase rewards above Rank 100 but the weekly rewards will still count and your rank will still accumulate.
Gain more MRP
In addition to the above rewards, each endeavour rank you earn will add 1% of your MRP score to your overall score. E.g. if you are rank 1 and score a million MRP you would gain a further 1% or 10,000 MRP. If you are rank 10 you would gain a further 10%. This is capped at rank 20.
The SRS Endeavours system replaces the loyalty awards scheme. The SRS Endeavours system also replaces the interim reward scheme
How do I check on my endeavours?
You can monitor your weekly progress and your rank from the personnel files as shown here: