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Read below for more information about the Grand Prize and all the other prizes for 2021. To take part in our MRP system simply enter our events in-game. To learn more about the MRP System click here

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1st Prize - 2,000,000,000 EC
2nd Prize - 1,000,000,000 EC
3rd Prize - 500,000,000 EC
4th Prize - 250,000,000 EC
5th Prize - 125,000,000 EC
6th Prize - 75,000,000 EC
7th Prize - 35,000,000 EC
8th Prize - 15,000,000 EC
9th - 20th Prize - 1 Master Key
21st to 30th Prize - Duty Officer Packs

The prizes above are open to all players including CFOPS officers

CFOPS will also earn approx 500K EC per event they run.


The following prizes will be awarded to the top 3 places in the Space DPS League at the time of the draw. This is open to all players including CFOPS but excluding the C in C

1st Place
500,000,000 EC
2nd Place
3rd Place

There will be at least 4 interim prizes based not on MRP score but on attendance in MRP events, each prize is 100 million EC. (CFOPS are excluded from interim prizes)

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