MRP Consoles are highly specialised devices that you can purchase for your account using merits. Once you purchase a console it will work with all your ships, some are specialised for ground operations. Consoles do not expire and remain for the lifetime of the game or SRS whichever ends first.
To purchase go to our SRS Merit Store
Quantum Chromodynamics Disruption Device (QCDD)
The QCCD is a state of the art device developed by Section 47 for SRS. It works by disrupting the strong atomic bonds between any object it encounters. The end effect is an approximate 10% increase to all damage your ship is able to produce.
Adds 10% of your DPS to your overall Score above the cap
50 Merits
50 Merits
Temporal Phasic Leech (see large image)
SRS has managed to acquire a few Temporal Phasic Leech devices by various means from Section 47 -SRS-. The Temporal Phasic Leech or Temp-PL is an incredible device that can alter the outcome of a battle
after the battle is over. It is similar to the QCDD featured last month, but
incredibly it has been miniaturised for use in personal combat. Incorporating the Temp-PL into your armour will result in an increased rate of fire of your weapon that you only recall after the event is over. The affect of this is you always do better in combat than you thought you did!
Temp-PL: Adds 10 times your DPS as MRP to your final.score. (GROUND ONLY)
Proven Combatant - Post Combat Award Device
How well you have performed in the past will determine the level of bonus this pack will award. Adds 5% of your average MRP to your score. This is capped at 100,000 MRP.
100 Merits
SRS Medical - X-Quotient Support Pack
SRS Medical has recognised the valuable work carried out by the support ships in the ongoing skirmishes across the galaxy. The performance of support ships is calculated by the X-Quotient, the amount of healing contributed multiplied by the percentage threat generated. With this X-Quotient Support Pack, or XQP, successful captains can expect to earn 100% of their X-Quotient added to their final MRP score. For example if your X-Quotient is 50,000 then you will gain 50,000 MRP added to the bottom line.
This is capped at 100,000 MRP
100 Merits
Focused Energy Anti-Attenuation Device [FEAAD]
The FEAAD is a breakthrough in focused particle physics. It has long been known that particle energy is attenuated over distance and follows the basic physical laws for light attenuation of 1/d2, where d is the distance to an object or target. Now by incorporating an annular confinement beam, similar to that used in transporter technology, the attenuation of focused energy weapons is reduced considerably.
Increases MRP points by your total DPS for the following builds, CRF, CSV, BO, FAW, up to a cap of 100,000 MRP.
This has no effect on EPG or Torpedoes.
100 Merits
Kinetic Amplification Device [K.A.D.]
The K.A.D. is the latest boost to all starships from the SRS Weapons Research Laboratories. Once installed on your starship, the console applies a multi-phasic charge to all weapons that have a kinetic effect. The multi-phasic charge increases shield and hull penetration and results in more damage to the target.
The effect is most pronounced on torpedoes although it does have a significant effect on anomalies such as gravity well.
Gain 100% of your DPS up to a cap of 100,000 as MRP
100 Merits
When SRS issue directives regarding what ship type, what career and so on, this is to ensure that all areas of the fleet receive equal exposure and training. Whilst these directives are not compulsory they do offer substantial bonuses to your MRP score and your standing in the Armada rankings.
Like Minded is more a trait than a console, if you have this trait, then for each of your team members who also follow the directive to the letter you will receive 2% of your total MRP score added to your final score. For example, if you and one other both have the ship bonus and the career bonus (career bypass is not counted) then you would gain an extra 4% of your total MRP score. If everyone on the team has followed all the directives you will gain 10% of your final MRP score, e.g. a score of 690,000 would give you an additional 69,000 points.
For each team member with full bonuses gain 2% of your total MRP capped at 100,000 MRP
150 Merits
Letter Home
When a team member is killed in combat it often falls to the commanding officer to write to the officer's family giving the bad news, extolling the virtues of the officer and explaining the circumstances of their death. A letter home from the front lines by an Admiral from Starfleet can be comforting to the family and thus negate a small part of the suffering.
Likewise with our new console pack, Letter Home, your death penalty is negated by 20%. For example, if your score would have been 500K with no deaths and 250K with one death, this console will give you back 20% of what you lost, in this case 50K, so your final score will be 300K
Negates 20% of your death penalty up to a maximum of 100,000 MRP
100 Merits
One of a kind
Sometimes what a good team needs is that bit extra, that one person who goes about things differently and stirs up the pot. A team of EPGs can benefit from a lone Beam Overload build to take out the last troublesome dreadnought for example. This console will reward you if you are the stand out member of your team by being the only one on the team to run a specific build type.
Being the only person on a team to play a specific build type grants you a flat 50,000 MRP to your score.
150 Merits
Kerr Link
This console uses the effect of localised timestream Kerr loops to return to an earlier time and reapply all other console bonuses but at a lower level. The effect of this is your MRP increases more dependent on how many MRP consoles you are running.
E.G. If you are running 1 console, your MRP will increase by 2%, 2 consoles by 4% up to 9 consoles for an 18% increase to your base MRP up to a maximum of 150,000 MRP.
Secondary Effect
In addition, the randomised nature of the Kerr loop technology means that you are awarded an additional MRP bonus which may be anything from 1 to 10% of your base MRP. This makes the Kerr Link console the most powerful, the most expensive and the final MRP console. Due to the nature of the constantly changing timestream around Kerr Loops, the score you are quoted may go up or down until it is locked in the Leaderboard, that is the only place you can see your final score!
Adds up to 18% of your MRP score to your total
Chance to add between 1 and 10% base MRP score to your total score up to a maximum of 50,000 MRP.
100 Merits & 20 merits per use
Have you taken part in the DPS league? Are your earlier results holding back your average? With this console you can remove the lowest scores you achieved from your early days in each league. It works like this.
Once you have purchased the console, you have the right to remove the lowest results in a particular damage league, e.g. let's say you want to remove the lowest damage you achieved in the EPG league in order to improve your average, you started in the league making 30K for a while and now you are making 500K, those early results are holding you back. However there is a cost for this, each result you remove costs you 20 merits. You can choose to remove only the lowest in a particular league. You may choose to remove the X lowest results in a league.
E.G. I want to remove the lowest 10 results from my EPG results, this will cost me 200 merits (10 uses of the console at 20 merits per use). I can then do the same in the FAW league if I have enough merits available. You may use purchased merits to use this console. You could even remove all your results and start again if you wish!