Everyone is welcome to join SRS. We are totally inclusive, drama free and mature players from first-day novices to ten-year veterans. We have a wealth of knowledge to share with you.
Join us if you like to play events together
Join us if you would like to experience exploration in STO
Join us if you want to improve your build
Join us if you want to have fun on Discord
Join us if you'd like to part of a professional, drama-free fleet
To join you can either apply online by clicking this button:
Once you have joined you can join our chat channel the normal way or by typing /channel_join SRS Armada in the chat field. You will need to be invited to the channel to join it which is normally done as soon as we receive your application.
Once joined, take a look at the welcome mail which you can view by clicking this button:
Next, sign up to the website and make your profile public, full members are known as
Official Crew and earn extra points when taking part in our events system, and remember,
points mean prizes. You can register by clicking on the account signup here:
Next, you will probably want to signup to our Discord channel, it's not compulsory at all and
most people don't use it, but for those who do there are great rewards, new friends, advice
is so much easier by voice than typing in chat and much more. Click the Discord logo here
to start:
Finally, we have a very active Facebook Group and Page, if you use Facebook take a look (Link on footer)
What's Next?
We will place you in the fleet of your choice if possible.
Read the welcome mail carefully so you understand how the fleets work. If you have any questions try using the chat bot on the page or asking in SRS Armada chat channel in game.
That's it, we hope to see you soon.
Boldy Go with SRS - Join Us Today