Uniform Gallery
Uniforms provide a way of maintaining discipline, recognising your enemy or ally, identifying rank, promote a sense of belonging and order and are therefore vital to many organisations from military to civilian and this certainly includes the Federation, the Dominion Alliance, The Klingon Empire and the Romulan Republic.
Standard Uniform (Below Admiral)
This is used on regular SRS away missions and meetings. It has colour striping to denote your career, Tactical, Engineer or Science-based disciplines, and badges that identify your allegiance and Fleet. Captains an above can show white shoulders, anyone below should be black. This is based off your armada ranking (check your personnel files). This should be worn at all times unless going into combat, for combat away missions you should be wearing the BLoCs (Battle Load Operations Combat System) or any reputation armour, or fleet specific combat armour.
BLoCs (Battle Load Combat System) is the combat version of the above uniform and features the Discovery Security vest. This is available by purchasing the Cyborg Miracle Worker Bridge Officer from the Zen store for 500 Zen. Once purchased this security vest is available for all characters on your account. It also features items from Burnham's EV suit which you can buy from the Discovery Reputation.
Standard Uniform (Admirals)
For use only by admirals of the fleet as denoted by your armada rank (see the Personnel Files to learn your rank).
Click the MRP & Uniforms Tab to learn of the rewards you will be granted for wearing the correct uniform.
The only fleets that are exempt from wearing these uniforms are:
Section 47 -SRS-
-SRS- Zhat Vash
SRS Hazard Team (own uniform)
House of SRS
Dominion Alliance
SRS New Romulus Command