SRS Vacancies
SRS is a busy and professional organisation within and under the remit of the office of the president of the United Federation of Planets. SRS is currently comprised of twelve fleets:
SRS Command
SRS Josh Bee Academy
SRS Chrononauts
SRS Hazard Team
Section 47 -SRS-
SRS Allied Expeditionary Force
SRS Classified (TBD)
And alliance fleets
SRS Dominion Alliance - Federation aligned
The House of SRS - Klingon Defense Force Aligned
SRS New Romulus Command
Within these various organisations, there are often vacancies that require filling from time to time. All vacancies are awarded a rank within the respective fleet which shows other fleet members your status. Some ranks will offer a bonus to MRP scoring and possibly even a salary in rare cases, even though the Federation no longer uses money universal currency such as energy credits, gold-pressed latinum or other precious materials are still used on other Federation worlds.
Current Vacancies
Recruitment Officers to work in the SRS Josh Bee Academy
Full training will be provided along with templates for successful recruiting and a copy of the welcome letter.
If you are interested please mail
* Salary - 500,000 EC for each recruit who joins the Academy
* Fleet officer status - can use fleet officer chat channels
* Consideration is given for higher fleet roles in the future